Sunday, December 20, 2009

Debating is not a waste of time.............!!!

Motion:THBT debating is waste of time(Oppo)

Stand:As it bring more benefits than harm.

1)Debating is not waste of time,because it brings a lot of benfit to the student,secondary school student.It is not just about debate.It involves discussion,'musyawarah',sharing ideas,sharing opinion,making conclusion on recent issues,gaining a new knowledge,sharpen our IQ,learn to think logically.

2)It also brings the benefit not only to the IQ,but also may contribute to the EQ of the student.CONFIDENCE is really a big WORD.It has to be nurture in the student's lfe.It supposed to be a really tough training for the student to get their own confidence.They have to be tested.being tortured,to strengthen their emotional,confidence,towards a convincing student in their appearance in front of the public.But through debate,they will have some kind of special training,to be pushed to talk,to get their own confidence.But they are doing it in a different way.They will still have some kind of laughter during the tortured time.Because the student has his own friend,whom understand his situation on that time.That is their own TEAMMATES.

1)Increase the thinking ability.
The students a.k.a the school debater,will have their own meeting at least once a week.During the meeting,usually they will have their own debate practice such as,mock debate,public speaking,at  least,disscussion on the recent issues.So,debating is actually can be known as non-formal class for the student.Eventhough they are not having the formal PNP,but they will still have a discussion which can also increase their thinking skills,their ability to think logically.Thinking logically is actually not a useless thing.It can be used in the student's daily life to make them to be a useful person in this future,besides,when they can think logically,they will start to realise the meaning of their life,their responsibility towards themself,family,and the country itself.So,it will make the increase the patriotism's spirit of the students.So,the conclusion,Is it true that debating is just a waste of time?

2)Self Esteem
Through debating,the student will learn about the self esteem.Because debate is actually not a place for arduing only,it also have the power to nurture the student's confident.They will have a high self esteem because when they have a high confidence towards themself,about their own ability to stand infront of the audience,or the public,they will start to learn about their own self esteem,their image.What is important about it?That will be the 1st question after they had understand it.So,debating is not a useless thing!It can be a great benefit to the person whom understand it.Don't u make a simple assumption,'oh,this student dont have the debate spirit,so, debating is just a waste of time'.How do you make this ridiculous assumption!This thing is about the whole debater.In this world,and like what i said,ONLY FOR THOSE WHO UNDERSTAND THIS REAL MEANING OF DEBATE.So,please don't be too narrow-minded.Open your mind,think about the other debaters.Maybe we don't know what is actually happening to the debaters.Maybe they have some problem.They need time to solve on their own problem.But when you say to the problematic debater 'I think you don't have the spirit,you are just wasting your time'.Can you imagine their feeling?We should help them.Not insults them.And then about their determination,if the student is coming for a meeting or debate practice,it already shows their determination in debate.Maybe they have to get through the heavy rain,or burning sunlight,or maybe they will have to get early to ensure that they wont miss the bus or train to go to the debate practice.All of this,will help the debater to build on their own confidence.

3)Leisure time
Nowadays,as we know that debate had been officially been introcuced by the minister of education as 1 of the cocuriculur activities in school.So,when they take part in debate,they are actually benefitting their leisure time.Debate is a very beneficial activity and it can be used as 1 of their hobby instead hanging out with their friends,smoking,and other unbeneficial activities.And the other question,'is it an efficient method to increase the IQ and the EQ of the students compared with other discussion or musyawwarah?'and the answer is YES.Firstly,because it is one of the official cocurriculur activities in school,so,it wont have any problem if they want to make a meeting in addition,if there is involving the boys and girls.Secondly,debating will make the students to feel more comfortable and enjoyable.They wont feel any burden because they had their families to help them.So,the conclusion is debate is not a waste of time.

If you want to be successful, it's just this simple: Know what you're doing. Love what you're doing. And believe in what you're doing.

To my debate family...
I am sorry if i have any mistake...
I am just hoping that everyhing will be back as usual...
May Allah bless you all~

1 comment:

  1. Really arif, you gotta have more than just this.....
    You stil havent answer me: What's so special about debate that it is better that other problem solving methods?

    If u say think critically then brainstorm is far better in that, if self esteem then it's better if u do public speaking, if leadership then just be a leader. answer me this Arif. and give me a great reason. ohh, and make sure the others read what I posted.



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